Monday, 6 January 2014

songs and nursery rhymes

Ellie, December

Now me want Purple Riding Hood

Not blah blah black sheep, want blah blah purple sheep

Now sing Little Monkey.
Little Monkey?
Yes. Little Minkey on the dusty road.

holiday update

Daddy, don't say number no! E 17/12

I know a song, incy wincy spider, come out your web E 20\12

We go to Queenstown? Also, also, also Princesstown? E 20\12

I need a wee Daddy
you've already had a wee Ellie
I need a different wee 21/12

where's my bogey? Where's my bogey?
I don't know Ellie, have you lost it?
yes, where's my bogey gone? 24\12

Ho ho me got some pheasants for you E 26/12

Punzel Punzel get out of your hair E 26/12

Fireman Sam clap your hands... Fireman Sam jump up and down. F 26/12

E - Father Christmas is crying cos its not Xmas anymore
F - everyone is crying cos its not Xmas anymore 30/12

Mummy, I wee'd on Daddy's neck E 2/1

(feeding fish) its Xmas for fishes! F 2/1

Mum, is clouds made from mashed potato and water? Why not? F 4/1

Mum, you're a big pile of... Sand. F 5/1